Francis Duggan Poems

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If You Can Face A Challenge

If you can face a challenge with a smile on your face
And the cause of your anxiety with joy does embrace
Then you are already halfway to conquering your fear
A good attitude makes a looming challenge not as bad as it does appear

Where People Of Different Cultures

Where people of different cultures and colors and religion and races live in harmony
Is the sort of a town that appeals most to me
Where multiculturalism does not work racism and fundamentalism for this to blame
For to be a monocultural town is hardly a claim to fame

The Warmth In Her Greeting

She was not a young beauty her hair silver gray
Yet her happy smile and cheerful hello brought some joy to my day
The stranger today that i met on the street
Nice people are always so nice for to meet

The Sort Of A Person You Are In Your Mind

The judgements of others of you to nothing does amount
Since it is the sort of person you are in your mind that really does count
In this Human World where many are obsessed with greed
Are you willing to help those of helping in need?

Young Andy

Of love the singers in their songs may sing
But for some love can be a heartbreaking thing
A sadder young man than Andy i have not seen
Since he was forsaken by the one he loves Josephine

Old Billy He Is Fond Of The Liquor

Old Billy he is fond of the liquor that cheer
He is one who has drunk many glasses of beer
Yet he never goes home and abuses his wife
And though he enjoys it drink does not control his life

What Care I If I Die

What care i if i die without a penny to my name
Since rich or poor then to me will be the same
If old age does not kill me then something else will
And all feelings do die in the heart that is still


One can choose to be rude or choose to be nice
On how we relate to others we do have a choice
On bushes and trees respect does not grow
And the respect given to us in return we do show

I Hope To Be Living

I hope to be living for to welcome the Spring
And hear again the song the male blackbird does sing
His familiar song so melodious and clear
A beautiful voice of the Spring of the year

In The Human World Where Some Of

In the Human World where some of money have more than enough
A few billion people are doing it tough
On a below poverty line income surviving from day to day
From birth to death destined for to live in this way

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