Francis Duggan Poems

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The Pride Of Woodford

Her wavy shoulder length hair is as dark as the wing of a crow
The Pride of Woodford where the dark Merri flow
As with scarcely a ripple it creeps on it's way
Near the end of it's long Journey at Lady Bay

This Beautiful Old City Of Warrnambool

In the mostly blue sky just a few clouds of gray
It is indeed a very nice Autumn day
Where the Merri flows into the Pacific near Lady Bay
A mother with her two young children in the shallows splash and play

Those Who Can Readily Smile

A smile to a passing stranger does not cost one a thing
And to some lonely person brief joy it may bring
Laugh and the World laughs with you as the wise one does say
The one who is happy brings joy to your day

Miranda Knows The Words

Miranda knows the words of many an old song
And at the R S L club on a Saturday evening she always leads in the sing along
Her husband a war veteran died two years ago
He was a brave fellow the honorable Joe

For Australian Farmers

For Australian farmers a poor financial year
Of the woes that beset them we read of and of hear
Of locust and mouse plagues and flooding and drought
In the age of Climate Change among the rural community of a future in farming much doubt

Compared To Them

I may never be quite secure in ways financially
But i have never known what it feels like to live in poverty
And my hearing okay and i have good eyes to see
The beauty of Nature that is all around me

If Women Were Running Government

If women were running governments there would be less wars to fight
And far less emphasis on the superiority of might
Though sadly some women in positions of power like aggressive male leaders behave
Aggression like war mongering males they carry with them to the grave

For Poor Joe

For poor Joe it has been another down day
And nothing it does seem is going his way
Though he has three nice young children and a beautiful wife
Depression of late has crept into his life

Your Best Friend Of The Past

Your best friend of the past as your best friend may not stay
On our journey in life we make new friends on the way
From some former good friends apart in our ways we do grow
Few friendships last a lifetime this much we do know

Like His Middle Aged Dad

The young man a racist just like his middle aged dad
His thinking influenced by a biased mentor which seems a bit sad
His idea of a fair go does not include all
Some in their thinking can be very small

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