Francis Duggan Poems

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He Does His Own Thing

His mum and dad in him did raise a good son
Since wrong by anyone he never has done
Yet his praises you never do hear others sing
The fellow who does like to do his own thing

True Friends Indeed

Negative things of those they don't like comes easy for some to say
But suppose they cannot help it if they are this way
That words can be mentally hurtful none ought to deny
The wisdom in judge and thou shalt not be judged to them does not apply

Old Ed

Old Ed came home a hero from a war far away
The bravest of the brave a sad old man today
His only son Tom in his early twenties committed suicide
And ten years ago his wife of fifty years Ann of a heart attack died

The Magpie Does Sing

The paddocks from the overnight ground frost are looking silver gray
But the magpie does sing in the cold gray dawn of the day
The familiar warbling so flute like and clear
Of the bird who does sing every day of the year

Knocknagree Joe

Beyond old Duhallow there was so much to see
So he left his first home-place in Knocknagree
When the robin was singing on the leafy birch tree
In May in the Spring of nineteen sixty three


In the river in the field where the rushes in clusters do grow
The dark brown water bird with breast white as snow
Can be heard singing where the rapids flow
A Nature's voice from the past that i used to know

The Busker From Grantville

The busker from Grantville he has traveled far
And has led the sing along in many a country town bar
In towns all around the big country his face is well known
As a wandering singer songwriter and musician his legend has grown

Hell Is On Earth

Cannot say about this so called place where angels do dwell
But there sure is a place known as Earthly Hell
As the poor of the Planet we live on lives there
And poor people nowadays to be found everywhere

On George R Sims

His bones for decades in Mother Earth lay
But in his poems and plays he is living today
George R Sims an amazing writer and a legendary poet
In English literature his works remain worthy of note

The Alcohol Seems To Go Straight To Her Head

The alcohol seems to go straight to her head
And after she regrets some of the things she has said
When she has had one too many with her words she can be cruel
For her mental pain alcohol is like a fuel.

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