Francis Duggan Poems

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I Do Not Write

I do not write for reasons aligned to wealth and fame
And writing of verse for me has been a 'hungry belly game'
I am one of those addicted to the penning of rhyme
Though in a Land of free speech that cannot be a crime.

John Leary Of Gortavehy

He was the best stone mason that i have ever known
John Leary of Gortavehy he built great walls of stone
He worked for the Cork County Council and as a Schoolgoing boy
To see him working at his trade a thing i did enjoy.

That Is Life

Tell me have you ever slept on a bed ridden with fleas
They crawl around your private parts, your stomach and your knees
And in the morning many tiny red spots where they had chosen to bite
They had given you a hard time you had not slept well that night.

He Was Born And Raised By The Mountain

He was born and raised by the mountain and the memories he retain
Of the old fields by the river flooded after heavy rain
And of the cold days of Winter when the chilly winds did blow
And the hill and the high fields by it wore their Winter cloaks of snow.

We Should Sing The Praises Of Nurses

They are a special breed of people compassionate, caring and kind
Not paid enough for the work they do for better than them you'll not find
They care for the ill and the dying they have the gift of empathy
Nurses are such wonderful people and a credit to humanity,

When Negative People Have Power

When negative people have power they seek to conquer and divide
They refer to the flag of the Nation as a symbol of courage and pride
A big speech at the war memorial where respect by them to the war dead is paid
By their false show of patriotism their foundation to power has been laid

A Very Warm Day In Early February

White butterflies with dark brown spots on their wings their type around these parts not rare
So very beautiful for to look at dancing in the warm Summer air
The goldfinches sing in the sunlight and on the red flowering gum tree
The rainbow lories gathering nectar are a thing of great beauty to see.

Old Jack At The Corner

Old Jack at the corner he is his own man
With a mind of his own his type do seem quite rare
He does not have a political party he does not talk sport
But he is kind hearted and with others he share.

You May Feel Despondent

You may feel despondent and wish you were dead
But don't quit on life's battle good days are ahead
Financially embarrassed at the present maybe
But your luck will change you'll know prosperity

Young Carlos

Young Carlos from Madrid we may not see again
The rumor is out he has gone home to Spain
He felt a bit homesick his English not good
And he struggled for to make himself understood.

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