Francis Duggan Poems

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A Friend That Is True

The best human friendships can be fickle why otherwise pretend
But you treat your dog well and he or she will remain as your friend
For in your dog you do have a friend that is true
Your dog until death remains as a friend to you


I am not a fan of the word known as wow
To me it sounds less pleasant than the bellow of a cow
It is not a word that is sweet music to my brain
Why this is does seem beyond me to explain

Old Joe Of Elsewhere

Since he often tells stories of his travels in the big World out there
He is locally known as old Joe of elsewhere
In the local pub he is well liked and well known
One can say of Joe in a class of his own

Of Friends Our Earth Mother

Of friends our Earth Mother does need more us humans take from her and in return to her little give
Though she is the one who does feed us off of the food she grows for us we do live
Yet some of our kind very greedy and only know of how to receive
What we do to the Earth that does feed us we do to ourselves i believe

The Wise Words Of A Wise Person

The wise words of a wise person i do recall
That your biggest worry to another would seem small
Many have far bigger worries than you
Though you are not or will never be one of the well to do

I Have Been Called Francis Or Francy Or Frank

I have been called Francis or Francy or Frank
And though i have never been high in the social rank
I live in my own way and do my own thing
And i never wish of others my praises for to sing

The Wealthy Getting Wealthier

The gap between the wealthy and the poor keeps on widening by the day
In a fair Human World it would not be this way
For a few for to win so many destined to lose
Though living poor is a thing so few ever would choose

Giving Tax Breaks To Billionaires

Any government will not save the economy by marginalizing the children of the lesser god
The disadvantaged of the nation the poor and down-trod
And giving tax breaks to billionaires and bankers people of any financial help not in need
It does not help the economy by rewarding the privileged breed

This Includes Everyone

My biggest achievement in truth does seem small
And scarcely not worthy of mention at all
I live in my own way and do my own thing
And i leave it to others their praises to sing

Guns Take The Blame

Those guilty of murder live and die with their shame
It is people kill people though guns take the blame
Guns in the wrong hands a recipe for crime
So many firearm murders across decades of time

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