Francis Duggan Poems

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Age Does Not Always Bring Wisdom

He believes he is one with great sexual appeal
A gift to woman kind that's how he does feel
A few silly women tell him he is great
And his swollen ego they further inflate,

On The Retirement Of Ian Thorpe

I heard on the radio in the sports news today
That Ian Thorpe the great swimmer has give competitive swimming away
A winner of nine Olympic medals five of them gold
Of his greatness in story and song we've been told

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

You've heard of the old saying let sleeping dogs lie
Which in another way put means leave old grudges die
Do not harbour old grudges for as long as you live
You may not forget but you sure can forgive

The Man Of The Fifties

Conservative people are ruling this Land
And our Government leader their ways understand
They love him for his values and to them he appeal
He can read their thoughts and he know how they feel

Mother Earth Will Survive

Those who say mankind will destroy Planet Earth believe in their own lie
The Earth will live though human kind their own selves may destroy
In a thousand centuries from now the birds will sing on the trees
Though humans may have been wiped out by some incurable disease.

Silver Tongued Rill

In fancy i can hear the silver tongued rill
From high Claramore in view of Clara hill
Rippling to the river with a voice never still
On it's ocean bound journey it flows with a will

I Only Have Memories Of The What Used To Be

The clock on our lives ever ticking away
In time it only does seem like yesterday
Since to the fields of my young years i said goodbye
On looking back the Seasons how time seems to fly

Spring Far Away

Good memories of what was i only retain
In fancy i walk in the old fields again
When the mild breeze of Spring from the mountain is blowing
And among the rank rushes the male pheasant is crowing

You Who Are Into Comparing People

You who are into comparing people your favourite subject is Human I Q
Of the true worth of an individual I'm sure you do not have a clue,
You tell us all people are equal yet people you always compare
And sad to think your type are many and sad to think your type are not rare.

Many People Are Addictive

Many people are addictive in some sort of a way
Some drink alcohol to excess every day
Some due to their addiction to narcotics become involved in crime
That culminates in them serving prison time

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