Francis Duggan Poems

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A Stranger Homesick

To everyone in this town his is a stranger's face
The dark haired young man from the far away place
His grasp of the English language is not good
And he struggles for to make himself understood

You Are What You Think You Are

Though you may refer to yourself as a poet
And feel you are worthy of literary note
Then honor indeed should only be your due
Since that poets are rare happens for to be true

As The Very Wise Mother

If you cannot love self you cannot love anyone
That is what the wise mother said to her young son
She did speak of fact and fact never lie
And the truth in her words never destined to die

In January Far Away

Far north even as the migratory bird flies from here far away
It is cold by the old hills very cold today
The chill winds of rain soughing in the bare trees
And the weather temperature down below zero degrees

Jim In His Late Sixties

In the bigger World out there since he was nineteen
He has traveled a lot and great cities has seen
A grandfather ten times and divorced from his wife
He is happily aging in the single life

The Future Belongs To The Young

Of heroes and heroines the stories are written and of them songs and ballads are sung
But they have grown old tired and weary and the future belong to the young
Their best years forever behind them those who have lived past their life's prime
Their children the hope of the future no holding back the hands of time

We Are In The Age Of Narcissism

We are in the age of narcissism where self promotion is the in thing
You may struggle for to be successful if your own praises you cannot sing
Many young people daydream of glory but daydreams do seldom come true
There is an old saying from past decades that from life we do receive our due

I Grew To Love Nature

I have loved Mother Nature since i was a boy
And learning of her ways today i enjoy
But the more i learn of her the more i realize
That i know little of her is this a surprise?

Some Birds

Some birds distinctive in their chirp or song
Once heard you never seem to get them wrong
The magpie and the blackbird and pee wee
By voice alone familiar birds to me

I Know Of Life

I know of life it is not meant to be easy though some advantaged by birth it does seem
To live as poor to none is an advantage poverty does little for one's self esteem
And yet for one to grow rich many seemingly grow poorer in a fair Human World it would not be this way
Though some will tell you we have our life choices words such as this seem easy for to say

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