Francis Duggan Poems

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Denis Kelleher Of Aubane Cross

Such sad news online that i read of today
Denis Kelleher of Aubane Cross from life has passed away
Due to his association with the Aubane and later St John's Gaelic Football Clubs he became widely known
And in Aubane they will grieve him as one of their own

In The Southern July

I have loved Mother Nature since i was a boy
And learning of her ways today i enjoy
And though my wonder of her it only does grow
So little about her i can claim for to know

The Past Goes With

Wherever i go to my past goes with me
In my mental images the old fields i do see
The fields i remember with fondness today
From my mind they have never been far away

The Silvertail Prime Minister

Of every opportunity of the advancement of himself and his family and his wealthy cronies he does avail
The Prime Minister of the Country the true silvertail
The wealthy side of the town only his government represent
They ignore the plight of the homeless and those struggling to pay rent

Going Back The Decades

Literary outsiders of the twenty first century the writers of rhyme
By literary experts are dismissed as of another time
Below criticism those who feel they know better say
It does seem that rhyme has known of a better day

Kilcorney's Tom Goggin

In the flesh Kilcorney's Tom Goggin has sung his last song
To a dying breed of singers he was one who belong
He sang the old songs that few know of today
Not many left like him which is sad to say

The Same For The Pauper And The Billionaire

We hear and read of human achievements but why even pretend
That this does really matter at life journey's end
To the wielder of the scythe of death the greatest does fall
Eventually time does take care of us all

The National Flag

To those who believe they have god on their side
The flag of the Nation a symbol of patriotic pride
But pride in national flags is a thing that is Worldwide
And so many because of this in wars have died

A Prisoner Of Her Own Mind

In what is enjoyable to some a great challenge she does find
The woman who lives as a prisoner of her own mind
At parties and social and community gatherings she felt so out of place
That such personal challenges to her she vows she is no longer willing to face

Compassionate People They Are A Rare Breed

Compassionate people they are a rare breed
And of more of their kind the Human World is in need
To help those badly in need of helping they go out of their way
Without asking to be rewarded in monetary pay

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