Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Beautiful Young Woman

Her skin was darker than the darkest sky of night
But by her demeanor she was bubbly and bright
With a beautiful smile she bid me a good day
A beautiful young woman in every way

Donald Trump

Oh what is the World coming to at all
Donald Trump says if elected U S President he will authorize to build a wall
Across the Mexican border for to keep Mexicans out
The man does not seem to know what he is on about

You Are Not Poor

You are not poor if you have enough to eat and drink every day
And a nice home to live in and a comfortable bed on which to lay
There are millions of people far worse off than you
And this only happens for to be true

People With

People with big egos are all around me everywhere
There are millions of them in the big World out there
To everyone they meet of their latest success story they tell
The me syndrome one can say is alive and well

Aine Tyrell

A brown skinned brown haired beauty of wavy raven hair
The talented musician singer songwriter Aine Tyrrell an entertainer of charm and flair
She lives in Killarney by the sea in the Moyne Shire people like her are rare
A long way south of her native place in the County of Clare

Time Is On The Hurry

The past for us hold memories but the past in the forever gone
And the now is all that does matter and time keeps ticking on
And to us they remain as a mystery the future days ahead
Make the most of your existence you will be forever dead

March By The

Behind the gray clouds the sun is hidden away
Where the old Finnow River is babbling today
In the flat damp fields where the rushes do grow
In the home of the rook and the silver backed crow

Aging With Grace

One can say of her she is aging with grace
With anti aging cream she does not hide the time wrinkles on her face
And she does not use hair dye for to cover her gray
One of the few who does age in the natural way

The Farewell Barby

You feel so happy when you meet an old friend
You clasp their hand and hug them in your joy
But I have felt such sadness in each parting
It pains me so to have to say goodbye.

Killer's Son

I am sick and tired of others treating me as I were dirt
Far too oft I've been insulted and my feelings badly hurt
Those who know me look down on me I'm jailbird's son is that a crime
Is it my fault Dad's a jailbird in a jailhouse serving time.

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