Francis Duggan Poems

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It Is Easy To Criticize

It is easy to criticize other people quite easy indeed would you not agree
It may be the person we are criticizing in ways superior to you or to me
We should save our criticisms for bureaucrats since they do affect our lives in some way
These are the people we should be criticizing for their greed the likes of us have to pay

It Has

It has been thousands of centuries since our ancestors climbed down off of the trees
And over centuries we have been learning by degrees
In the late twentieth and early twenty first century major human advancement in science and technology
But despite all of this millions of people remain in dire poverty

So Great

Feel happy that health-wise you are feeling okay
And feel happy to wake from your sleep every day
Soon enough the Reaper of lives will come reaping your way
Few do wish to be where dead people do lay


Of living a successful life he did fail
For dealing in narcotics he has spend years in jail
A father and grandfather he has never had a wife
Though many women have come to and gone from his life

Until The Day I Do Die

Far north of this countryside near Warrnambool
As a boy of the fifties i went to primary school
On looking back the Seasons it seems long ago
And time that rusts iron has since become my foe

They Have The Inner Glow

In the minds of the compassionate for hatred there is not any space
There are good and bad people in every race
And every color and nationality and creed
Of more good people the Human World is in need

Some People Out Of Lying

Some people out of lying do financially well
To their sort the truth never easy to tell
They cheat people out of vast amounts of money with their convincing lies
No longer a rare breed these crooks in disguise

From Where The Dark Tarwin Flow

The ways of the City he is coming to know
The young man from the place where the dark Tarwin flow
On it's way to the ocean near Venus Bay
Though in Ferntree Gully he is happy to stay

The Big Fellow Matt

A giant of a fellow broad shouldered Matt
He is one of those blokes who has been there and done that
He has shorn sheep in Queensland laid pipes in Ballarat
On his muscular body not one ounce of fat

Happy Joe

Wherever he is happiness to be found
As he carries it with him and shares it around
In his mind for sadness there is not any space
He always does have a big smile on his face

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