Francis Duggan Poems

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Peggie Horgan

She was such a lovely woman one who did lead a good life
A good mother to her children and to Jerry Horgan a good wife
Sad to learn that Peggie Horgan from life has passed away
In St Mary's in Millstreet her last remains does lay

We Are Better Off Without Enemies

We are better off without enemies and we do need every friend
This is how it is why otherwise pretend
Since negative energy directed against you for you not a good thing
Of the praises of such you will not hear many sing

Only Two Duhallow Dogs

Peader's Prize trained in Kanturk By James Manley and Pats Newdown owned and trained by Dan Halloran of Knocknagree
Remain as the only Duhallow dogs to claim outright victory
In the North Cork Cup in the Town Park in Millstreet Town
I was there on the days that they raced to renown

We Are Not As Important

Photos of ourselves and our wives and our children in our homes on every wall
For our growing egos it does seem our heads are too small
I see young people taking photos with their mobile phones of self and fiance every day
We are in the age of too much love of self it does seem this way

From The Far Away Town

Have you ever felt yourself quite close to tears
As your mind took you back to the long gone years
When playing with your young friends you ran up and down
In the schoolyard in your lunch break in the far away town

In Port Fairy In January

In Port Fairy in the holiday period in January for the mates some good fun
Playing cricket on the beach in the afternoon sun
Where each run is greeted with a lusty cheer
And between overs a break for a swim and a beer

Rod Laver

He won all four grand slam tennis championships in the one year twice
Among the top ten all time great tennis players by many a perennial choice
The Rockhampton Rocket Rod Laver of tennis a true great
In tennis his own slice of history for himself he did create

Your Achievements In Life

Your achievements in life may be looked on as small
But if one is in need of help you will answer the call
And amongst honorable people you do walk tall
For you do believe on a fair go for all

Australian Magpies Do Sing Every Day Of The Year

Most male birds in their breeding Season singing one does hear
But the Australian magpies do sing every day of the year
And in late Winter and early Spring they often sing at night
So pleasant to hear them piping in the moonlight

When Last I Saw Hannah Mary Daly

When last i saw Hannah Mary Daly Clara wore a hat of snow
And the cold winds of December across Inchaleigh did blow
As she stood beside her cottage gate how was i to know
That we were never to meet again near where Finnow waters flow

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