Francis Duggan Poems

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There Is More To A Man Than

Though to most women money to a great deal amount
There is more to a man than a large bank account
And the power of influence that come from wealth and fame
There is more to a man than a widely known name

Still A Colony

The Head of State in her home palace on a distant shore
Australia is still a colony that and nothing more
For as long as Aussie voters a foreign monarchy choose to embrace
Among the Nations of the World Australia cannot take it's place

I Hope To Go On Living

I hope to go on living for as long as i can
And i would like to die without pain in my sleep as an old man
And though more than likely i will not live for a century
What will happen to my last remains is of no worry to me

There Is Always One Better

You may be quite marvelous at what you do
But remember there is always one better than you
With your achievements you ought not get carried away
As self praise it is no praise the wise one did say

Have You Ever Battled

Have you ever battled your dark dog of despair
And thought to yourself life on me is unfair
You are not the first or will not be the last for to feel this way
There are millions like you in the Human World of today

Crooked Minded People

Crooked minded people think to cheat others is okay
That is if with their deception they can get away
To steal people's life savings from them something to them for to laugh about
The Human World with such people could well do without

In Fancy I Do Visit The Town By The Bay

In my flights of fancy i visit the town by the bay
And hear the birds sing at the dawn of the day
In the town parkland on the bushes and trees
Their pleasant notes carrying in the freshening breeze

I've Been To The Saltbush Country

I've been to that coastal countryside where the coastal saltbush grow
Where huge saltpans glisten in the sun white as new fallen snow
The brown dry sand and dust does take to flight when the freshening winds do blow
In remote South Australia where the Murray waters flow

Where I Grew To Love Nature When I Was A Boy

The reed bunting sang where the bog cotton grow
When the warm winds of May in the old fields did blow
And the dark brown water bird dipper with breast white as snow
Did sing in the stream where babbling waters did flow

It Has Been Awhile Since I Lived Near Millstreet Town

It has been awhile since i have lived near Millstreet Town
Where Finnow from the high country journey on down
Through old fields by ditches and many a hedgerow
With a babble towards the Blackwater it ever does flow

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