Francis Duggan Poems

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It Is Love Of Rhyme

For many years i have been a rhyming buff
Just one who has written a whole heap of stuff
Not one of the young brigade of rhyming men
Of years i have lived a year with three score and ten

Fate Of The Leaves

The elite sports people in the World of today
Were born to be mortals in truth one can say
Great as they are one day they must die
In this respect they are no different to you and to i

I May Never Climb Clara

I may never climb Clara Mountain again
Or hear the breeding frogs croak in the water logged drain
When the mild winds of March from the Boggeraghs blow
And in the rushy old fields the male pheasants crow

Of Youth And Young Love

Of youth and young love stories are written and songs they are sung
But of course it is a fallacy that only the good do die young
I have known many good people who have lived to die old
But of them songs not sung and stories not written or told

Joe And Kate

Joe is a happy old fellow always with a smile on his face
Yet to see him with a sad look on his features for such there is no space
He is one of those who takes joy with him and always a pleasure for to meet
Wherever that happens to be at on the park, shopping center or the street

We Were Best Friends

In our younger years we were best friends going back five decades or so
But time with it does bring changes and this was a long time ago
Today we are friends but not best friends apart in our ways we did grow
We have changed in our ways and interests and our friendship has waned this i know

We All Are Individuals

We all are individuals with ways of our own
Doesn't matter if you have few friends or if you are well known
Your best friend at the present may be a future foe
That the now is not the future does happen to be so

The Ash In Winter

The ash tree stand forlorn and bare
In the cold winter night air
Without the glossy green array
That was his on summer day.

Between Loch And Wonthaggi

I'd love to be between Loch and Wonthaggi
Where mountain creek through small wood winds it's way
And join the Powlett river down the hill
That flows into the sea at Powlett bay.

Man The Latent Predator

Humans were always predators and though that gene we now suppress
It still remains in all of us in our drive for success
And though modern man no longer is compelled to kill to eat
The most of us still predators as the most of us eat meat.

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