Francis Duggan Poems

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It's Cold For May

it's cold for May and weather most severe
And swallow yet to return home this year
And still no trace or sound of bird cuckoo
And to hear him now would be like dream come true.

My Sympathies Are With The People Of Iraq

It won't be Saddam Hussein who will suffer or any of his kin and family
No doubt for themselves they'll find a safe haven and of any worries there they can live free
No it's the poor and the innocent civilians those who have known heartbreak and poverty
Who are doomed to suffer as they've never suffered as the victims of man's inhumanity.

The Old Man's Saddest Story

We sat about the fireplace listening to the old man's tales
Of the youthful years of life he spent in lovely Alder Vale
He told some happy stories but he told some sad one's too
And the saddest story that he told I will relate to you.

On Talking To Christine Gillespie

She was in Ireland drove through Connemara
Two years ago in June in ninety eight
She found the weather cold and wet for Summer
But otherwise her memories are great

Homesick Cullen Man

The blackbirds sing their songs of joy
In the green groves of Lisnaboy
And orange breast robin pipes his tune
And countless wildflowers are in bloom.

A Coomlogane Christmas

The fields on either side of Finnow cloaked in gray
And the turkey cooking for dinner on Christmas Day
And farmer say the frost is quite severe
But such expected at this time of year.

The World Is Full Of Bullies

The World is full of bullies and by far too much power we give
To those who don't believe in to live and let live
We see their weakness as a strength their true selves they disguise
And one might say that they have pulled the wool over our eyes.


In her mid twenties and in her prime
And her work will improve in time
As in the World of art she builds her name
Camille is on the road to fame.

Pat O Connor

He fought a draw with Randolph Turpin the man who once beat Sugar Ray
And in his Hometown in Duhallow his legend still living today
And whether he's still in the land of the living, don't know and I only can say
That he took on some of the best in England in the tough game of fighting for pay.

This Man Who Uses The Poor As His Scapegoats

He believes the poor have chosen to be poor and to the poor he's been insulting again
This Mr Abbott Minister for Employment one who seems to have an indolent brain
His job it is for to create Employment his job is not to insult or deride
If he talks of failures than himself look no further, how come so many are still unemployed? .

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