Francis Duggan Poems

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Perhaps I'll never see the old hill again
Or hear the robin sing in the wind and the rain
Old friends like me are many years past their life's prime
We all are mere mortals and become victims of time.

The Have Nots

They do not have a creed or a gender
Or any one colour of skin
The victims of poor circumstances
The people not born to win.

A Walk By The Old Finnow River

A walk by the old Finnow river
A thing that I used to enjoy
I had my first lessons in Nature
When I was a very young boy.

On Joe White's Ninetieth Birthday

So many he knew in his younger years to life have come and gone
But like the great man that he is Joe White keeps on keeping on
Ten years short of his century in his ninetieth year of life
I remember him and his daughter daughter Bibi and his now long deceased wife.

Lady Luck

We make our own luck some are known to say
But lady luck she does not work in this way
She can turn you into an instant success
And rid you of your worries of financial stress,

I'Ve Been Advised To

I've been advised to give penning stuff away
That it's about time that I called it a day
I've written of Nature of insects and bees
And of songbirds who sing on the bushes and trees.

A Misguided President Of War

George W Bush is spending billions in U S taxpayers money fighting a war in Iraq
Whilst the people he is claiming to liberate are constantly under attack
From terrorists he helped to create where thousands are injured and thousands are dead
Bush is just not up to the top job and the power it has gone to his head

When Last I Saw Clara

When last I saw Clara two decades ago
On a Winter's day he wore his hat of snow
And few people were shopping in Millstreet Town
And on the Main Street few cars passed up and down.

It Is Said Writers Are Born

It is said writers are born and cannot be made
And very few writers seem to make the grade
And good writers get published though for some that bit too late
For everything does come to those who do wait.

The God Within

So many worship their great god in prayer
Their unseen god who lives in god only knows where
Their unseen creator who cleanse their souls of sin
And they scoff at those who talk of god within,

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