Francis Duggan Poems

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John Masefield Was More

John Masefield was more than a man of rhyme
Perhaps the greatest poet of his time
At least that's how I feel about him anyway
Though some may not agree with what I say.

For All To Enjoy

Nature's beauty for all to enjoy and see
A beauty that will surely outlive me
But more species become endangered every day
And extinction is forever as they say

A Migrant Here

The river in it's flood waters of brown
Flow bank high in the fields by the old town
The town where he lived in as a boy
There the best years of his life he did enjoy.

Willy Wags His Tail

On the fence post willy wagtail wags his tail about
Then from his perch he suddenly flies out
To snatch a flying insect passing by
A fly, mosquito, bee or butterfly

Spanish Seve

He is the bloke who hails from Barcelona
Seve the dark haired brown eyed one from Spain
His English one might say is not quite perfect
The reason for that is not hard to explain.

On Being Bitten By An Insect

I did not even feel it when it stung me
It must have been as I slept or early today
But it left a red and sore lump where it bit me
Perhaps for my sins in karma I now pay.

I Too Am A Self Centred Person

I too am a self centred person like billions of others out there
And in a World where billions grow hungry self centredness it isn't rare
I remember a saying from my school days each one for him or herself and God for us all
I must be a negative person such negative stuff to recall

Born For To Be Travellers

Born for to be travellers of them one can say
The lust of the wander still in them today
Their ancestors roamed the road from town to town
And the restless gene to their descendants passed down


His roads of life have been so hard and rough
But he hung in there though the going was tough
He raised his children Joe and Kate without Kate his wife
To cancer she lost her battle for life

My God Is Mother Nature

My God is Mother Nature of that why should I lie
And my remains will return to her when life's breath in me die
A bloke who lives across the street he talks and prays to his God in the sky
Though love thy newighbour it would seem to him does not apply.

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