Francis Duggan Poems

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You Too Have Your Story

Those without a life story to tell are quite rare
You too have your stories with others for to share
Of how you were often down but never counted out
You do know what living life is all about

Stay Positive

What of the future can anyone say
Only know that tomorrow is another day
The past lives in memory though otherwise dead
But who knows what awaits us in the days ahead

A Warm January Day

The day it is warm and sunny and dry
White butterflies in their millions dancing in the blue sky
Many of their tiny bodies lying on the roadway
Victims of cars and trucks their lives have been shortened by at least a day

The Threat Of A Nuclear War

Everytime i turn on the radio news of more tweeting threats i do hear
Of Donald J Trump trying to instil in other Nations leaders fear
His most recent boast is his nuclear button is bigger than that of Kim Jong Un
In such dangerous and threatening talk there is not any fun

Out There In The Quiet Countryside

Perhaps i am anti social and this is nothing of for to feel proud
I yearn for a quiet place far from the noisy crowd
Out there in the quiet countryside far from the busy street
Content in my own company where the creek and river meet

The Never Satisfied

A nice home to live in and enough to eat and drink should fulfil anyone's need
But some people with this not happy those obsessed with material greed
With some enough is never enough by demon greed they are possessed
Never happy with a nice wife and healthy children by life they do never feel blessed

The Common People

The common people includes you and me
We are told who we are and what we should be
And on how that we ought to be classified
By those at the top of the social divide

January Day

It is a warm evening near forty degrees
And warmth in the sunshine and warmth in the breeze
That blow up the hill from the park by the bay
For January thus far the warmest day

The One Who Is Free

The one who is free live as she or he choose
With nothing to gain in life or nothing to lose
Without anyone for to tell them what to do
I am not of that sort and what about you?

Do Not Leave It To Others

Though politicians in their policies on our lives in some ways impact
Of the truth of the matter there is only one fact
That if you wish for a better World to live in
Do not leave it to others with yourself you begin

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