Francis Duggan Poems

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Patricia Kelly

As Patricia McSwiney in Glounthaune in Cullen she lived in her early years of life
Before she came to live in Coomlogane as the late Pat Kelly's wife
They lived by Green Glens of show jumping renown
A five to eight minutes walk at most from Millstreet Town

A Weak Minded Coward

His supposed nearest and dearest of him live a fearful life
He is a cowardly man who beats his children and wife
Since violence towards the defenseless is quite cowardly indeed
The Human World of his sort is definitely not in need

The National Poet Of Ireland

The National Poet of Ireland who died in eighteen forty nine
With the then gentry of Dublin he never did wine and dine
James Clarence Mangan died of consumption at forty six years old
The story of his tragic life is one that has often been told

Humble People Are Rare

I have not met many of the humble of late
In the twenty first century humility does seem out of date
Self promotion nowadays it does seem the in thing
So many only too happy their own praises to sing

My Past Goes With Me

Wherever i go to my past goes with me
In my visualizations old friends i do see
And though them i may never see again
As young in my memory they do remain

I Never Refer

I never refer to myself as a poet
Nor am i one worthy of literary note
Though i am one who has penned a whole pile of rhyme
Since my twenty seventh year in seventy three in my physical prime

A Diversion From The Cares Of Life

For most football fans football is a diversion from the cares of life
A temporary relief from the tension born of inner strife
They meet on Saturday after the game at the pub
Their lives seem to revolve around their football club

The Last Day Of Autumn

The calendar Winter just a few hours away
The weather quite good for Autumn's last day
Overall it was quite warm and dry for May
Quite unseasonal weather in truth one might say

The First Day Of June

The first day of June and the southern calendar Winter in the dawn cool and gray
The magpies are warbling for to herald the day
The long range weather forecast has June far cooler and wetter than May
But it is Summer by the mountains from here far away

Happens To Be True

The now is all that does matter as the wise one does say
And the birth of tomorrow will bring a new day
And the birth of June at the death of May
And yesterday has gone and time ticking away

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