Francis Duggan Poems

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Everyone Cannot Be Wealthy And Famous

Everyone cannot be wealthy and famous since wealth and fame is not for all
But those referred to as immortal in reality are mortals as mortality is for all life forms the great to the small
The people we think near to perfect are not without some human flaw
Since us humans are life forms of Nature and perfection not in Nature's law

With Me This Is Okay

I have heard that some say of me he is not right in the head
Of penning reams of doggerel one would think instead
That he would take up jogging as many of his age do
He must have a screw loose in his brain or two


In the town park she is one that i often does see
She always does smile and say good day to me
She does not look her age wonder how this can be
She looks fit and healthy and pretty for one of eighty three

I Cannot Agree

With those who say we all have life choices i cannot agree
What life choices have the poor and Stateless refugee
From an oppressive regime the unfortunate he or she
Their Country of origin are forces to flee

Politicians Are People

Politicians are people just like you and me
But otherwise we share few things in common is how it seems to be
Since most politicians do not trust each other what of them does this say?
That in general they are not the most trustworthy of people it does seem this way

Even To Many Locals

Even to many locals you are not a well known face
What matter is the town for you living in it to live in a better place
Do you get on well with your neighbors and help those of helping in need?
In life expect to reap the fruits of good Karma if you sow Karma's good seed

Jeoff Shaw

Jeoff Shaw the rogue ex Liberal M P from Frankston may not be all bad
But in him plenty of room for improvement for he is quite a lad
He cheated on his parliamentary expenses in politics a fairly serious offense
Seven thousand dollars may not be a huge amount of money but far more than seven thousand pence

On A Phone Call From Connie Tarrant

A winter dawn above Koroit was breaking gray
As the phone rang a call from Connie Tarrant in Liscreagh far away
A fellow i had not spoken to or seen for years
From a past i have shed for my last nostalgic tears

Sean O' Connor

Sean O' Connor a quiet and unassuming person in his own gentle way
And news of his death is such sad news only true to say
And Kippagh for his passing all the poorer today
Good memories in all who knew him of him their life time will stay

Do Not Believe Those Who Tell You

Do not believe those who tell you that crime does not pay
Major criminals among the wealthiest people in the World of today
Some known billionaires into crime in a big way
Money speaks every language as the wise one does say

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