Francis Duggan Poems

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If You Seldom Listen

If you seldom listen and talk more than your share
Then of the insights of others you cannot be aware
For where talk is too plentiful knowledge won't grow
And than the good talker the good listener does seem to know

Oh You Who

Oh you who have got a sharp sting to your tongue
Your better days past you no longer are young
Those not on your side to you do seem all bad
Such thinking for one of your age it does seem a bit sad.

Each One

Each one for themselves that goes for one and all
And before the child walks the child first has to crawl
And few wish to know the poor pauper as he limps down the street
On ill fitting shoes that are crippling his feet.

The Dysfunctional Pair

Old Bucko is not very happy of late
The World and it's people he professes to hate
He is always at odds with old Quidzo his wife
A good screaming match to them is just part of life.

Some Kill

Some kill for greed and some kill for love
And some for a laugh people off of a cliff shove
And laugh as they watch them die on the rocks down below
If mercy is not in you mercy you cannot show.

Of The One Family

Patriotic fervour and National pride
These things are prevalent nowadays Worldwide
Many say they unite but in truth they divide
When those who are different of free speech are denied.

The Song Of The Magpie

In the dark of the morning just before daybreak
The song of the magpie one cannot mistake
The black and white bird with the beautiful song
To Nature's great songsters he surely belong.

Smirking Peter Costello

Smirking Peter Costello wee Johnny Howard's heir
What his views are on others I do not much care
Since he is only courting the Conservative right
I would not trust him with my life though he is cunning and bright.

Ballydaly In Late February

The stream from Kippagh mountain downhill babbles it's way
Through the fields of Ballydaly by overnight frost made gray
Along by the brown hedgerows by Winter winds stripped bare
The coldness of late February is in the morning air.

Of Hopes For Our Future

Of hopes for our future why should we despair
As long as our lungs breathe in life giving air
Of happiness and prosperity all hopes cannot be gone
As long as the will is still there for to keep keeping on.

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