Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
That Is How It Ought To Be

Many believe in a heaven somewhere in the sky
Where when they draw their last breath their soul to will fly
To the Kingdom of God way beyond the stars
Way beyond the Planets of Venus and Mars

I Am One Of Those Who On Karma Believe

I am one of those who on karma believe
The fruits of what we sow will be ours to receive
What wrongs we do to others to karma we must pay
What goes around comes around some like to say

A Marvelous Thing

I have lived for sixty five years in time quite a span
And if living in ten years from now i will be an old man
And though i have lost all of the youthful elan
I want to live on for as long as i can

All I Can Be

The wanderlust has made a migrant of me
Yet a Claraghatlea fellow is all i can be
In view of old Clara west of Millstreet Town
Where i used to live when my hair was dark brown

Another Bad Day

No such a thing for you as an easy pay
And for you at work it has been another bad day
Your boss is a hard one for to satisfy
The term of unreasonable to his sort does apply

Addicted To Penning

Addicted to penning of doggerel rhyme
To many that does seem a huge waste of time
But what others think of me no business of mine
They have their opinions and that suits me fine

I Might Be A Stranger Now

I might be a stranger now in that far place
Where mine years ago was a familiar face
But the old fields i loved to me would look the same
I even recall them by their given name

Where My Remains Rest Why Should I Even Care

Though i never was what one would call an athlete
Nowadays i am even slower on my feet
Yes even far slower than i was a decade ago
But time eventually becomes everyone's foe

The Economy Is Strong

The economy is strong still jobs seem so few
And the rich getting richer this is nothing new
And though the economy is good the homeless and unemployed do not care
Since of any improvement on their standard of living they are not aware

Mother Nature By Name

Her wonders are many her secrets not few
But every day of her i learn something new
Her wild born creatures i hear and i see
And her beauty is everywhere all around me

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