Francis Duggan Poems

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Holier Than Thou

Of holier than thou people I've had my bellyfull
One might say they do talk a whole lot of bull
They do feel superior in their own smug way
It does take all kinds as some are known to say

Climate Change All Around Us

On the dry creek bed stands a dead willow tree
The affects of climate change is a sad thing to see
Without sufficent moisture trees eventually die
Those who deny climate change do believe in a lie.

The Evergreen

Hard rock and rap music are things he enjoy
He is a grown man with the heart of a boy
In his early forties a decade past his prime
And already in his greying hair showing the passage of time.

She Said

She said every chance you do get you do write
Such obsessive compulsion can hardly bring you delight
It does not bring you wealth nor it does not bring you fame
And in the literary circles your's is not a known name.

Stranger And Strange

To me you are a stranger and to you I must seem strange
And in our ways we both seem too old for to change
From our old ways of thinking though no two are the same
We are set in our thinking though we both tend to blame

A Person Who Is Wise

Like most i am not growing any wiser as i am only growing old
As is said wisdom cannot be bought or cannot be sold
When it comes to wisdom the wise they are few
You may say to this do tell us what is new

Of Your Young Years Long Ago

Have you ever felt so lonely that your eyes were moist with tears
As your memories took you back in time to for you happier years
To when you were younger, fitter and stronger but the good days did not last
It can stir up the emotions the good memories of the past

Weatherwise Of Sliabh Luachra And Duhallow

Weatherwise of Sliabh Luachra and Duhallow not any good news from there
On the fields and on the roadways brown flood waters everywhere
Every day there it is raining it has been raining since the Fall
Of Sliabh Luachra and Duhallow the weather reports not good at all

John Healy

From Aubane in view of Mushera he had flaming red hair
As a young man John Healy was unburdened by care
For years he lived with his family in Macroom in Barrett's Place
Where his to many was quite a well known face

Dan And Kate

Time that rusts iron is telling on Dan
And in his mind he has become a strange man
He does not like socializing likes his own company
Yet he is as harmless as the word as the word can be

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