Francis Duggan Poems

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The Goddess Of Rhyme

In the park or the pub or sidewalk of the street
Or wherever i am at Goddess of Rhyme i do meet
In faces and places her i do see
Wherever i am she is all around me

For Everyone

For everyone a last Winter, Spring, Summer and a last Fall
And a last night and day is ahead of us all
No matter what you achieve in life for you it will be the same
As the one who dies without a penny to his or her name

Humility Is Not The In Thing

Humility is not an in thing of the Human World of today
Nor neither is lack of arrogance it would be true to say
In a World where people everyday for success do compete
The unassuming person is always a joy to meet

Ignorance Can Be Bliss

To create more room for buildings in the busy progressive town
They buy land expensive for to buy for their workers to cut the trees and bushes down
Trees and bushes that shelter Nature's creatures by chainsaw men cut to the ground
Where there are few who respect Nature those with the greed for money do abound

The Past Hardly Matter

The past hardly matter it has gone forever only the memories of it does remain
People we knew we sometimes do remember though we are never to meet them again
Presently life is not treating you kindly though better days of you may well be ahead
Make the most of your existence for you will be forever dead


In her younger years her shoulder length wavy hair was chestnut brown
Rosy in her prime one of the pretty girls of the town
Now in her late forties with a son of twenty three
She is not the woman that she once used to be

The Karma We Sow In Life

The karma we sow in life will be ours to receive
If you are one of those who flatter to deceive
And make others poorer for your own financial gain
That you are sowing the seeds of your own bad karma as a fact does remain

The Newly Elected President

For months he has made the news headlines almost every day
The newly elected President of the U S of A
But some terrible things of Muslims and Mexicans and some men and many women he has been known to say
If i said things in public like Donald J Trump has said about people and other races i am sure i would be locked away

So Let Us Hear It For Women

Let us hear it for women a rousing hooray
The unsung heroines of the Human World of today
For equal work to men most of them not paid equal pay
In a fair Human World it would not be this way

On Radio This Evening

On radio this evening i heard a well known poet
Give his views on a major writer and one unworthy of literary note
Self opinionated in his views is how he seemed to me
But each to their own one must suppose is how it ought to be

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