Francis Duggan Poems

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Laugh A Lot

Of all of those who have migrated from the town one who will not be forgot
Young Joe the happy fellow whose nickname is laugh a lot
It is said that he is living somewhere in the U S of A
There is not one quite like him in the old town today

On Barnaby Joyce's Love Life

Sometimes falling in love can come at a huge price
The National Party Leader and Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce
For the love of another woman has left his family and wife
The media spotlight is now on his personal life

The Beauty In Nature For All To Enjoy

The beauty in Nature for all to enjoy
I grew to love her as a very young boy
In the fields by my first home from here far away
I did love her then and i love her today

What A Shame This Would Be

The cricket fans and cricketers of Port Fairy of late hopping mad
Long billed corellas digging holes in the sports oval which leaves many feeling sad
With the Moyne Shire Council Members the Moyne Shire cricket boards their political levers pull
In their trying for to organize a long billed corella cull

A Local Narcissist

Since of himself he only has great things to say
I feel glad that i do not meet him every day
He always tells me of his expensive new car
And of how on the social ladder he is climbing far

Pride Is A Thing That Is Linked To Conceit

It is something i learned as a boy in Millstreet
That pride is a thing that is linked to conceit
Most people in public do like to talk loud
Of the things in life that does make them feel proud

Good Friends Of Your Past

Good friends of your past you may not see again
But fond memories of them today you retain
Though today you may not recognize them if them you did see
Since you visualize them as they used to be

Since Time That Ages

Tomorrow will dawn and yesterday has gone
And time that rusts iron does keep ticking on
That the now is what matters only true to say
And at the stroke of midnight the past will be today

Duhallow Today

Far north in Duhallow where the Blackwater flow
In the fields of the badger and the silver backed crow
The wind from the Boggeraghs is blowing cold today
And the sun in gray rain clouds is hidden away

Angela Merkel

That she is the World's greatest living political leader there can be no doubt
She has shown the World what compassion is about
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel the World leader for fair play
As a humanitarian she does lead the way

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