Francis Duggan Poems

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None More Selfish Than I

Some humans are such selfish creatures and none more selfish than I
The World revolves around me and praise of self I do enjoy
Some call it self survival or call it what you may
And meanwhile people dying of hunger every day.

Our Heroes And Heroines

Our heroes and heroines we may love to recall
But do they believe in a fair go for all
If they are xenophobic or racist even in a small way
Any respect to them I for one never will pay.

A Contradiction

They go to church with their prayer books on sunday and praise the lord and sing their hymns and pray
And when their political leaders talk of war they support them for war to them one might say seems okay
They are what one might call a contradiction their love for god and war go hand in hand
These people who love god and talk of bloodshed are people that are hard to understand.

The Poor Children Of Iraq

They've never harmed anybody so why are they under attack
Born in the wrong Land at the wrong time the poor children of Iraq
For the crimes of other people why must they be made to pay
They are the innocent victims and why do it have to be this way?

We'Ll Stop In Gilgandra

One hundred K's or maybe more to the next country town
But we will reach Gilgandra before the sun goes down
And we will book a room tonight in the Gilgandra hotel
'Twas tweny bucks six months ago my memory serves me well.

The Night Is Calm And Frosty

The night is calm and frosty I hear the lapwing cry
Above the darkened paddock beneath the starry sky
Just five sleeps till September and the calendar Spring
The time of year upon us when wild birds nest and sing.

Lee Emmett

The World she light up with her happy smile
And there's a cheerful warmth in her hello
She takes with her the gift of happiness
And spread it around everywhere she go.

Overworked Fred

Woken by a heavy knock on his door
Late in the evening around half past four
Tired Fred shouted loudly please just go away
I need to rest up on my rostered off day.

The Ballad Of Dan Magee

Times were hard and he was poor
In his small farm beside the moor
But he was happy and carefree
The poor, poor farmer Dan Magee.

Rabbit's Nest

She fears for her oncoming family
And all the World is now her enemy
And from kith and kindred she is forced to flee
And dig out nesting hole midst grassy lea.

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