Francis Duggan Poems

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By Those Interested In War History

By those interested in war history war history is read
But the winners write the war history or so it is said
That is how it is and will always be
What is true to one is not to another that's how it seems to me

No Fool Like An Old Fool

Some men as they age do not grow wiser they just grow old and gray
Enlightenment from their minds by arrogance blocked away
Whilst some men in their twenties for their years are quite wise
Though to a lot of people that may come as a surprise.

Dolly The Sheep

These scientists who tamper with Nature
Who look on life forms as cheap
Feel proud of their latest achievement
The cloning of Dolly the Sheep.

The Grey Heron

The grey heron for hours on end is standing
In the quiet pool with water to his knees
With head cocked to strike he scans the moonlit waters
For small trout who might swim out from shade of trees.

A Victim Of Human Cruelty

I saw a throstle with a broken wing
He hopped by hedgerow pity the poor thing
He will die tomorrow if he live today
As for cat or fox or dog he's easy prey.

To Alan O Connor A Young K.R.R. Fan

He was so young just fourteen years and he had one great dream
To play for Killarney Road Rovers the Millstreet soccer team
To play for Killarney Road Rovers and to prove himself a man
He loved the game, he loved his team and he was a Rovers fan.

The Lesson From The Horse Race

There's no such thing as gallant loser and there's no glory in defeat
And coming first is all that matter and victory is always sweet
For the winning horse and jockey there's a mighty hip hooray
And the jockey he is smiling victory has made his day.

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Her mum and dad brought her to Australia
When she was two years old in seventy two
And you'd never know she once came from Ireland
As she speak and act as all Queenslanders do.

Peter Lalor

Australian mine workers his name still revere
That Irishman from Laois who knew no fear
Who spoke up against those who used miners as 'door mat'
And led their victory fight at Ballarat.

Due To Money

Due to money good friendships have come to an end
For money can make an enemy out of a friend
And due to money many are serving prison time
For money or lack of it leads many to serious crime

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