Francis Duggan Poems

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Too Old To Work And Too Young To Die

That time catches up on us all is surely not a lie
He is too old to work and he is too young to die
On retirement pension and quite bored with life
He spends much of his time arguing with his wife

The Times Are A Changing As Bob Dylan Said

The times are a changing as Bob Dylan said
And the good days behind us and tough times ahead
The climate is changing the economy is not doing well
And what of the future can anyone tell

You Feel Sad And Down

You feel sad and down life is not always fair
And of hope for the future you are in despair
In that you are not alone people like you everywhere
But when the going gets tough the tough hang in there

In Their Own Sick Minds

They plan the deaths of and murder people they do not even know
Which causes me for to wonder how this can be so
In their own sick minds they write their own laws
Is Humanity not considered in their political cause


I know a woman and her name is Lillian
A dear kind soul she has a 'heart of gold'
She has three children one had schizophrenia
And he died young just twenty five years old.

Live Every Day As If It Is Your Last

Live every day as if it is your last day and one day you'll be right
As that is as sure as the day follows night
The poor they can laugh as well as dance and sing
And death is far greater than the queen or the king

Not Everybody Is Perfect

Not everybody is perfect and not everybody is good and kind
but if you look for the good in others the good you are certain to find
No such a thing as a good or a bad race of people in every race there's bad and good
Human Beings to say the least complex we are not easily understood

The Lust For Power Is An Addiction

The lust for power is an addiction the Government their own praises do sing
And rubbish their main opposition as to Government they try to cling
The voters bombarded with propaganda right up until election day
The true fact of all politicians is they seldom do mean what they say

The Hero Is Dead

Many people the praises of warriors do sing
And they talk of war as if war is a good thing
There are tears in their eyes when the last post is played
And proudly they march in every war parade

The Eastern Yellow Robin

I hear her in the wood across the way
The bird with yellow breast and cloak blue gray
She sings at dawn and in the evening late
And her song the local lyrebird imitate.

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