Francis Duggan Poems

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The Myth Of Immortality

The myth of immortality by proof has been destroyed
The most influential people we have known about have died
Once the World's greatest army was led by Genghis Khan
Until the reaper claimed him he was a mortal man.

A Voice For The Voiceless

Though you are a person I greatly admire
To your standard of greatness I do not aspire
For by my ability I'm limited or so it does seem
Though of renown in my younger days I used to dream.

Dear Friends Of The Past

Dear friends of the past a good friendship we've known
But apart from each other 'twould seem we have grown
We shared much in common but not any more
Since a different future for us was in store.

Music, Dance And Song

Without song and dance and music how boring life would be
From the cares of life these three can set the heart free
The music inspires people to dance and song
And you with the sad face you can sing along,

I Do Not Fear

I do not fear big cats or snakes or dangerous crocodile
Between where I live and they live are many a mile
Those I fear the most to me live very near
'Tis only my own species I need to fear.

A Warm Summer's Day

The sun it grows warmer as the temperatures rise
And the air it is full of the buzzing of flies
The creek it is empty the roadside drain is bone dry
And in the distance the smoke of the bush fire billows to the sky,

I'Ve Never Been

I've never been a soldier or fought in a war
And though from my old Hometown I have travelled far
I have never grown wealthy and never known fame
And I feel happy that few even know me by name.

The Old Travelling Man

He sat by the campfire the old travelling man reciting a very old lay
His eyes were as brown as a ripe Autumn nut and his straggly hair silvery gray
A wrinkled old fellow he seemed the worst for wear with wrinkles on his hands and face
He travelled with his family in his horse drawn van and he had been to many a place.

A Heaven Without Fauna

'Tis said that only humans have been blessed with a soul
And we refer to them as dumb creatures the dog and bird and cat and foal
But heaven without birds, fish, insects and animals would seem a lonely place
No young lambs in the Springtime in sunlit fields to sport and race.

The Village Idiot

There is a Village idiot in every little town
A poor not too with it fellow for others to put down
Some people find it enjoyable to others to be cruel
A fair go for all to all never applies in a town where bullies rule

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