Francis Noel Clarke Mundy Poems

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To the Honourable Elizabeth Sedley, Learning to Spin

To the Honourable Elizabeth Sedley, Learning to Spin, She and the Author equally having an aversion to a Spider.

Wou'd you, though true what Sterne enforces,
That we must have our hobby horses,

I call'd my Muse, the rustic came
With Seward's garland on her brows;
Loose was her hair, her robe the same;
You never saw so wild a blowze.

Through half her teens, e'en from her birth,
All humour, comedy and mirth,
Of fun and whim the very soul,
While true good-nature marks the whole,

The Fall of Needwood

Ah, Needwood! I, whose early voice
Taught thy shrill echoes to rejoice;
I, who first pour'd the sylvan song
Thy glades, thy banks, thy lawns along;

My Grand Climacteric

As one, who journeys over unknown lands,
Ere yet the sun withdraws his western ray,
Stops on some mountain's brow, whose site commands
The shifting scenes and labyrinths of the way;

To My Grandson William, on his Repeating to me most perfectly and accurately my Poem, The Fall of Needwood, which he had secretly got by Heart. January, 1809.

Aged, as aged lovers use,
I coax'd, then quarrell'd with my Muse;

The Papplewick Coursing, from Watnall

My master Noon and Marton 'Squire
Left Rolleston's comfortable fire,
After good eating, drinking, sleeping,
(Upon my word there's brave housekeeping.)


Last Wen'sday, when Jupiter rose to survey
The annual return and procession of May,
Concluding, the lady with Venus and Flora
Would come in full dress in the coach of Aurora,

On a Picture by R. R. Reinagle

On a Picture by R. R. Reinagle,
Representing me in an easy armed chair, which Mrs. M. took kind pains to procure for me; my grandson William reading to me; a volume of Burn's Justice, an Act of Parliament, and Books of Poetry on the table; the Portrait of myself a favoured likeness:

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