Franklyn Orode

Franklyn Orode Poems

He made you a bed of roses, but
you opted for a bed of stones

The good fellows get the ache

Franklyn Orode Biography

Franklyn Orode is a Nigerian Literary enthusiast and poet.He is a professional civil/structural engineer who sees poetry as his escape route from rigors of work and challenges of life.He writes from Warrior, Nigeria.)

The Best Poem Of Franklyn Orode


He made you a bed of roses, but
you opted for a bed of stones

The good fellows get the ache
The bad folks have their way

All he told you was the fact
But you jogged after deceit

You were his angel- a fine jewel
Now u are someone's face towel

He Loved you like a gentleman
All u wanted was a hooligan

He made you laugh and smile
You gave him pain and bile

His affections made us ponder
And you left him, yet for another

Dear woman you got it all wrong
His melody, was the best love song

You can't have your cake back, never
That trophy you threw down the river

Wife of a beast, why then do u cry
Trouble not God, why asking God why

You have lost a great king
Thought it was a good thing

Grateful he got a new belle
Who now makes his head swell

Love is a beautiful thing
It Brings life and blessing

He will always pray for you
Hope you'll wish him well too

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