Gabby Becerra

Gabby Becerra Poems

I am moving on and accepting the fact that I will missing you
my days have turn blue without you
waking up every daywithoutyou by myside will behard
I will need to raise my guard

We both walk away
When we wanted to stay
We hurt each other and said
Things we did not meant we hurt

The Best Poem Of Gabby Becerra

Moving On And Accepting Is Over.

I am moving on and accepting the fact that I will missing you
my days have turn blue without you
waking up every daywithoutyou by myside will behard
I will need to raise my guard
accepting the fact that this is my life now,
and understanding that it is okay to have my hear broken
there were so manywordsunspoken
I am moving on an accepting the fact that we will no longer make memories together
understanding that it is okay to miss someone
and that life does go on
accepting that sometimes beautiful things end
and understanding there is nothingto be mend
someday I will hear the songs and smile
their will be no more tears coming down
I will sleep in the sheets and they will no longer smell like you
one day I will fall in love again
one day I will look back on this andbe thankful for what we had butfor now I am moving on and accepting thatis over now.

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