George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Simple Observation #88 - Like Attracts Like Though.......

Prose: On The Existence Of God

A brief statement about certain controversial questions and issues relating to some core religious topics such as:
What is God?
Where is God?
Who Is God?

Quatrain #116 - There's Good And Bad Wherever....

Quatrain #224 - If The Body Is The Temple Of God

Faster And Faster

Faster and faster the whole world appears to be going
and all that we make and do this indication is showing.
Take for example our modes of transport and communication
the emphasis is on greater speed being the general observation.

About War!

Bitter conflict!
The earth is crying blood
Life is dying!
People are turning against each other

Quatrain #195 - An Eye For An Eye And A............

The Ways Of The World

These are times of uncertainty and widespread discontent
and certain forces of nature on our destruction seem bent.
Though we mostly try very hard to do the right thing
we as a whole get into trouble and then feel the sting.

To My Higher Self

What can I say, please tell me what can I do
everything that happens is so because of You
You are the core and essence of my life
looking after my needs like a loving wife

Tribute To A Poet Saint

Oh Swami Muktananda Paramahansa that bliss of liberation you attained
by Guru Nityananda's grace emancipation in this very life you had gained.
You were a representative of the lineage of poet-saints that had gone before
showing how easy it was, by chanting the name of God, to meditate for sure.

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