George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Quatrain #126 - When Thine Eyes..........

Something More Than This

With man's endeavours however great or small
there's an underlying meaning behind them all.
What appears sometimes to be useless not making much sense
is very often the start of one's labour and cost of some expense.

Getting Away

I’d like to get away, to some place I have never been
so that I’ll be able to see what else there is to be seen.
The world as it is now is all full of joy and sorrow
like it was yesterday and will be again tomorrow.

State Of Emergency

A state of emergency may again soon be declared
something for which only a few have been prepared.
It will involve the whole of humanity on such a scale
that it will resemble in effect the oft told biblical tale.

Meditations Whilst Lost At Sea

I awoke to find myself adrift but afloat
all alone at sea in a small sailing boat.
On an endless expanse of crystal green ocean
in all directions there was hardly any motion.

Quatrain #519 - We Have Heard A Lot About.....

Maya Is A Bitch!

I definitely won’t make any apologies for saying this
and if anyone isn't careful she’ll leave them in a ditch.
But don't get me wrong, I am not referring to any woman by that name
only to the powers of deception that are played within the devil's game.

Simple Observation #186 - The Struggle For Survival Is...

Bridge Across The River

There’s a bridge across the river
to the other side,
and all those who cross over there
have nothing to hide.

Steps In The Garden

There are seven steps in the garden of life
which rise up to a higher ground
and anyone who makes it to that level
will experience things profound.

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