George Krokos Poems

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Quatrain #76 - When The Light Of Love And Truth........

Worlds Within Worlds

There are worlds within worlds in this world of ours
as there are seconds in minutes and minutes in hours.
Take for example the world of the artists and their creations
how they represent aspects of nature and physical situations.

The Brotherhood Of Man

In that land somewhere of our dreams
all is to be found right therein it seems
where there isn't a struggle for survival
as the brotherhood of man is in revival.

The Rhythm Of Life

The rhythm of life is like an endless melody
and goes on regardless of where we might be.
Throughout the day and all during the night
it never stops tho’ it’s not obvious to sight.

The Unmarked Grave

There are mourners beside an unmarked grave
witness how quietly they all there do behave.
All shedding silent tears for one they’ve lost
perhaps some loved one in this way to accost.

The Mind's Eye

In this world you will find it does mostly seem
that ignorance and darkness both reign supreme.
But to one who has a clear, discerning and penetrating eye
this isn’t the case even though others may question: why?

Domestic Duties And Chores

I wash myself and brush my teeth
comb my hair and spray beneath.
I put on some clothes, socks and shoes
and wonder about the household dues.

The Cost Of Living

The cost of living is the price we pay
for all those things we need each day
and when calculated over a period of time
works out to a figure that’s likely to climb.

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