George MacDonald Poems

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Little Bo-Peep

Little Bo-Peep, she has lost her sheep,
And will not know where to find them;
They are over the height and out of sight,


Trust him in the common light;
Trust him in the awesome night;

Trust him when the earth doth quake:

A Dream Song

I dreamed of a song-I heard it sung;
In the ear of my soul its strange notes rung.
What were its words I could not tell,


Where did you come from, baby dear?
Out of the everywhere into here.

A Broken Prayer

O Lord, my God, how long
Shall my poor heart pant for a boundless joy?
How long, O mighty Spirit, shall I hear

A Birth-Day Wish

Who know thee, love: thy life be such
That, ere the year be o'er,
Each one who loves thee now so much,
Even God, may love thee more!

Blessed Are The Meek, For They Shall Inherit The Earth

A quiet heart, submissive, meek,
Father, do thou bestow,
Which more than granted, will not seek
To have, or give, or know.

A Baby-Sermon

The lightning and thunder
They go and they come:
But the stars and the stillness
Are always at home.

Love Is Strength

Love alone is great in might,
Makes the heavy burden light,
Smooths rough ways to weary feet,
Makes the bitter morsel sweet:

For Where Your Treasure Is, There Will Your Heart Be Also

The miser lay on his lonely bed;
Life's candle was burning dim.
His heart in an iron chest was hid
Under heaps of gold and an iron lid;

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