gladys maria mathew

gladys maria mathew Poems

Those shining eyes were filled with tears,
all she could do was to cry.
The life is full of fears,
that made her want to die.

gladys maria mathew Biography

started writing poems at the age of 6. won many prizes for poem writing competitions. trying to make writing as her carrier.)

The Best Poem Of gladys maria mathew

The Hated Life

Those shining eyes were filled with tears,
all she could do was to cry.
The life is full of fears,
that made her want to die.
She could still hear those words,
that made her so broke.
They say words are as fine as a sword,
that made her heart bleed when they were spoke.
'I hated you since you were born',
said her mother out of anger.
But she was totally torn,
that made her life without an answer.
All she could do is to hope,
that one day she could find a light.
The light that will show her a rope,
which will lead to her knight.

gladys maria mathew Comments

gladys maria mathew Quotes

never trust life and hopes too much. Sometimes they can turn into your enemies. All you can do then is to stand and watch it kill you. never let that happen. Don't hope in your life. Accept what you have in front of you and never break yourself when you realise that hopes were tricks played by your mind just to shatter you into pieces.

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