Glenn MacDougall

Glenn MacDougall Poems

I lie alone here 
The sun shines brightly
I am shrouded in darkness

The Best Poem Of Glenn MacDougall


I lie alone here 
The sun shines brightly
I am shrouded in darkness

Reflecting on my life
Reviewing my life's mistakes
Only 1 causes me pain and regret

All I ever wanted 
But wasn't able to keep
My life's saviour
That I pushed away

No colour, no joy
Happiness is denied
My fault, my regret

What might have been bliss
Turned a desolate wasteland
Sweet dreams now barren

Anything to regain
My life for yours
No right to ask

The dreams continue
Holding your hand in love
I wake to reality and weep

Ask for anything
Nothing is too much
Allow me to prove

My life for you
To do as you please
I give you my heart

Why was I so blind
To not be able to see
Reality is too clear

There is no return
I cannot ever hope
I accept my fate

My world without sunshine
Devoid of joy
You are gone

To ask, to beg
A million times is not enough
The answer is always no

What if fate took a hand
What if you said yes
My dream come alive
Let me never wake

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