Gordon Jackson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Stop To Think?

Did you ever stop to think
What it would be like,
Without the birds that sing?
Without the golden sun,

How A Day Changes

It started out a nice day
Warm, sunny and bright
But then something happened
That turned day into night.

September 11,2001

Look what someone has gone and done,
Turned two buildings into none.
The Pentagon was the next one hit,
Will this nightmare ever quite?


Today is not a day for grieving,
Nor a day we should be sad,
For Sarah is with God in heaven,
And for that we should be glad.

No Problems

When things just aren't going right
And you think your life's a mess
You just can't find the answers
So you try and take a guess.

Garage Christmas

It was the night before Christmas and all through the garage
Not a creature was stirring not even my Dodge.
The tires were hung on the bumper with care
In hopes that St. Nicholas will fill them with air.

The Sun

It entered through the window
And bounced up off the floor
It bounced around the room
And bounced off all the doors.

That Woman

I saw that woman again
I see her almost every day
And every time I see her
She melts my heart away.

A Baby's Cry

Why is it that, the first thing,
A new born baby does is cry?
Is it that it knows about
The world that faces you and I?

A Mothers Day Prayer

It's that day of the year again
A day to honor my Mother
When I take the time to tell her
'I love you like no other'.

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