grace mariner Poems

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We carry our dead upon our backs.
Old skins protecting us from the new.
These talisman provide us no magic, no fortune.
All grief and sadness, they are

Masters Unhinged

One more hour with you. One more moment in time to smell your skin,
to hear your heartbeat in my ear.
Lay with me again giant!
I want to taste your kiss, feel your skin on mine, be

Stranger In The Grove

Memories ramble across the tracks of my mind.
Certain touches,

Feral Addicts

Rivulets of silver make crystalline track marks as they flow.
I look for you everywhere I go.
I see you everywhere we went.
Perhaps you sheltered me from some greater evil...

Liars Lament

How can pain inspire as much, if not more, than love?
I regret the day we met and yet, I wonder how I've ever
lived without you.
The real world disappears as if by sleight of hand when

Opposing Forces

And a year has passed between us.
An eternity in days counted by the heart.
You exist in another place and time, with other damsels
in distress and jesters in your court.


I did not know how I would feel if I got the news.
You think you know, but you don; t.
I used to say the devil don't die.
But he did.

The Reckoning

Do you wonder why I don't tell her?
Do you believe it is because of you...some effort to save you?
Arrogance in its highest form!
There's no saving you my dear one!


The dragoness sleeps in her dark lady cave,
her tail, covering her eyes like a cat by the hearth.
She prefers her silence as she dislikes most with voices and words.
She has found they feed her fire which she keeps stilled, fearing the damage she can inflict.


When you look in the mirror tell me what do you see?
Are you really the man that you thought you would be?
Is it hard to maintain the appearance of good,
when you know that so often you don't do what you should?

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