grace mariner Poems

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Night Vision

I dreamed of you last night.
Not a lovely dream, or a scary dream.
Just a dream.
We spoke as we rode to nowhere,

Magicks Demise

Superstitions can be products of a diseased mind.
Efforts to control that which cannot be controlled.
They can be the excuses we use to justify our behaviors towards that which we fear the most.
Fear and ignorance, a most lethal brew creates,

The Man That Was

I sleep alone each night,
with the enemy at my side.
Raw emotion makes easy prey for this wicked thing that taunts me.
It lives within my ancient ear, whispering words of loss and despair.

The Lions Garden

He silently pads, paws stealthily stepping.
A brown mouse hides behind a dandelion stalk
while a bee buzzes by.
His kingdom stretches, alive before him,


As much as I wish it were true,
I cannot re-write the endings in my life.
What I express may be perceived differently by each eye.
Who can judge what the perception of the injured is?

The Damage Done

Are all men the same?
Created equally yes, but completely different.
Each a unique mix of their collective experiences.
The good and the bad coexist, but free will,


In imperfection we find beauty.
In damage we find humanity.
In peace we find love.
In deceit we find pain.


You worship weekly at my altar,
offering your tithes with shouts of glory and painfully silent adoration.
Where do you believe forgiveness dwells?
Is it an attribute, assigned to some and

The Disappearance

Who is this girl you speak so fondly of?
She seems known by all but me.
Time has erased her long before she recognized her own uniqueness.
Time alone can be an enemy but with help, its'power doubles!

Ode To A Recovering Saint

Oh hypocritical and long suffering supplicant!
How you judge from your pious throne,
seated so elegantly to the right!
The tragic indignities you have suffered!

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