gracie cutter

gracie cutter Poems

Our broken world,
The skies and the seas,
Our broken world,
It's not what it seems.

From the first time I saw you,
I knew you was the one.
I dreamed of us growing old together,
I named it young love.

gracie cutter Biography

On 13th may 2011, Gracie was born, she knew she wanted to be a poet and thirteen years later here she is publishing some poems. Poems make Gracie feel like she can express her feelings through lyrical writing.)

The Best Poem Of gracie cutter

Our Broken World

Our broken world,
The skies and the seas,
Our broken world,
It's not what it seems.

Our broken world,
How cruel can you be? ,
To ruin homes of animals,
And not leave them be.

Our broken world,
Why are we like this? ,
We're making it cruel,
We're making it lifeless.

Our broken world,
The skies and the seas,
Our broken world,
It's not what it seems.

gracie cutter Comments

gracie cutter Quotes

It is once said that words cant express feelings but poetry can

its not talking to a person how it makes me feel better its writing down my emotions and turning them into poetry that makes me feel okay.

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