Haseeb Iftikhar

Haseeb Iftikhar Poems

There is a globe in these hands.
That takes me to the place beyond.
Where I can dream of wilder things,
Where I can see my imagination take form.

The Best Poem Of Haseeb Iftikhar

To Peer Out To Snaring Eyes From The Snow Globe.

There is a globe in these hands.
That takes me to the place beyond.
Where I can dream of wilder things,
Where I can see my imagination take form.

Little one, safe and sound.
In the fireplace you've found.
Snug are you from the cold,
In this wooden home of yours.

There is so much conversation to be had,
Amongst the four walls, ceiling and fan.
When my eyes close I am somewhere else,
Far in a land of play and death.

How is it that this does not change,
How can it snow, and snow and snow.
Why do I not feel pain or joy?
Where are my friends and favourite things?

Perhaps death and play are one,
Violence the strongest form of passion.
Though I crave love, intimacy and compassion,
However how does one possess the former or the latter?
Some have said that conviction is the answer,
Others are certain that it is fortitude.

Repetition becomes a burdensome ache,
Facing south, facing east,
What a pointless game.

He looks out the window of his wooden home,
He wonders if there is more.
Perhaps there is death,
Or am I already dead?

He opens his notebook and lifts his pen,
He puts it down and moves the notebook to the side.
Where did you come from,
Oh torment of mine?

"I've been with you all along, " says the tormented soul.
"I am the skeleton that keeps your pain, "
"The thief which takes your happiness and breath."
"You are mine and I am yours."

It has already happened,
The end of all things.
I sense that now is a time for a new beginning.

All things must come to an end,
Maybe pain is to make our experience more fertile?
Wounds need to close before they can be covered with skin.
- Haseeb Iftikhar (09/01/2018) .

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