Hassanal Abdullah Poems

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People smell like a horse,
But a horse does not smell like them.

People smell like a dog,

Swatantra Sonnet 77

I've heard the noble sound of your footsteps, my love.
Come, come closer, and slowly open your heart. Spread
the fragrance of your beautiful breasts. Let the door
be closed. Embrace me with your gentle hand

Intervening Outcry

Screams echoed in the palm of my right hand
as if a bullet hit the plaster on a wall—

Then, it was deep at night

The Cacophony Of The Gunfire

Suddenly, he jumped into the river
Suddenly, he managed to jump into the river
Suddenly, at that devastating moment,
he jumped into the river

Swatantra Sonnet 64

You start walking towards me from that side, I start
walking towards you from this side. I start singing
a melody, you start reciting some sweet lines
of your favorite poems. I walk, you walk. I

Swatantra Sonnet 196

Spreading the gaps, stars spin away from each other.
Repulsion, thus, the virtue of the universe.
Starting with Big Bang, it goes for eternity.
Truth that's enchanted at the vast sky overhead

With A Little Cash

If I have a little cash, I will open an art shop
My modernist call
Will raise echo and journey to
Corners of places not reached before.

God's Home

In my childhood I saw many gods
With their red wide eyes
Full of threats.
My days passed by

Swatantra Sonnet 21

Enter with a bare chest. Dear lady, the complex
cage of dress fails to give me the deepest pleasure.
I want naked beauty, like the snake and the tree.
My restless flowering youth thus longs for the taste

When God Is Dead

When God is dead
I will swim in the river.
I will play football
And get a lot of fans

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