Heather Colton Poems

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♥ I Love You ♥

I say I love you,
but I never hear it back.
I say I miss you,
but I never hear it back.

You'Re Spinnin', You'Re Winnin'

You're spinnin',
you're winnin'.
You're being ripped,
because you're losin' grip!

If I Shall,

If I shall fall, would you catch me?
If I shall cry, would you hold me?
If I shall die, would you cry?

It's Time That I Share.

I told you that you hurt me,
I told you I was scared.
I asked you to help me,
and all you did was glared.

I Have More To Deal With.

My life is just as rough as yours,
and that I can't ignore.
I've been crumpled up, and thrown away.
Torn up, ripped apart.

If A Life Were To End

If a life were to end what would you do? ,
who would you turn to, Where would you go?
would you cry, for how long?
would you feel like you can't go on?


Do you hear the screaming,
Do you heal the suffering?
Do you need the grief,
Do you feel the pain?

True Friends?

Are true friends really true?
Are they honest, can you trust them?
Will they spread a secret, or keep it to them self?
Will they spread rumors, or stab you in the back?

Fight In The Night..

I dream about you every night,
I dream that we have a fight.
We fight about random things,
like will the sun rise tomorrow, or will love birds sing?

This Is One Nightmare That Is Real.: '(

How do you think this makes us feel,
you left us here, all alone.
No one to go to,
No one to cry with.

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