heavenly bliss

heavenly bliss Poems

You are the epitome
of beauty and grace.
To be your daughter

In my life when I was lost and trudging along
With no shoulder to lean and nowhere my heart could belong
You came to me with all your love beautiful and true
My search ended as I found you.

With tear filled eyes and broken heart

I remember the day you proposed me to marry you

A gorgeous woman, An epitome of beauty and grace.
To be her daughter I feel so blessed.
She is elegance personified with a heart of gold
Her smiles warm like sunshine can cast away any cold.

I wonder why you came into my life
Is it simply to slice my emotions with wordy knife?
Eyes fill with tears, heart cries in pain
Consoling words all tossing in vain.

My heart was drowned in a melancholy tune
Love song was a far away cry only rained like monsoon
You suddenly came as a thunderous storm
bringing along heavy downpour of love breaking all norms.

When I fell in love with you
I learnt how to dream.
Your love took me to a world of fantasy
where emotions melt and hearts swayed.

There lived a girl with a golden heart.
She had a passion to paint her dreams.
One day with all her devotions
she sat to create a masterpiece.

Why I prefer to lock myself....
Won't you, my love, understand.
Why do I need to explain always
that without you my life is bland.

Smile says to tears
I am like a sunshine
on any gloomy day.
Everyone wants forever me to stay.

My love, just surrender unto me and hold my hand.
Blindfold yourself as we go for a walk on the white sand.

Look through my eyes and feel the essence of love.

I am missing you more than words can say
The yearning is inching me towards the grave each and everyday
Theres no one who misses you more than me
For my heart You only hold the key..

Our love grows even when darkness prevails
The moon shines bright as the rain clouds sails.
Wish I could hold time from passing away
In your love I want to sink always you brighten all my days.

heavenly bliss Biography

I am a simple girl with simple desire.I want to see life and live life with a smile in my face. Live and let live is my motto. Writing my heart out and penning down my thoughts is my passion I enjoy writing….I want my reader to relate through my poems....)

The Best Poem Of heavenly bliss

I Love You Mom

You are the epitome
of beauty and grace.
To be your daughter
I feel so blessed.

Through out my life
You have been my guide.
You are my inspiration, my sole belief
with you by my side
I feel so happy and relieved.

You taught me to dream and hope
You gave me courage
Come what may still i can cope.

You have been always there
in all my joys and sorrows.
and i know You will take care
all my todays and tomorrows.

From you I draw my strength
to perform and reach my goal.
Coz I know and believe
You will lend me support
through all my needs
and will stand by me
in all my deeds...

You taught me mom
to be loving and true
When I feel alone and lonely
my thoughts come back to you.
How I was secured in your arms
How you used to keep me safe n warm
I miss the sweet moments we shared
the showering of love and blessings
the little way you showed
how much you care.

My eyes get filled with tears
when I remember
How you covered my faults
and saw the best in me.
With all affections and love
You made me realise my mistakes
which I was unable to see....

For all the things
You have done for me
With your passions so true
All I can say is

I bow my head and thank god
For giving me the best gift of my life
It's a dream come true
To have a MOM like you..........

heavenly bliss Comments

Mrinal Chakraborty 31 January 2012

Dear Bliss.... I am touched by your thoughts... You seem to have great capabilities... would love to read more of your creating...please mail me to let me know if you post in any other sites? .... mrinalchakrabortyfromindia@gmail.com

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