Hebert Logerie Poems

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The Unimpressed Poet

Nobody can impress
This poet, this genius,
Who hates being under stress.
This thinker wants to rest

L'Amour Est Un Triste Caméléon

L'amour parfois s'enrage comme un lion.
C'est un triste caméléon,
Qui change à n'importe quel moment,
Comme les vagues de la mer et celles de l'ouragan.

The Children See Colors

The children see colors
Appreciate all types
And draw rainbows
The adults see colors


L'oubli est un mauvais mot
L'oubli est assaisonné de maux
Je n'oublierai jamais les crimes
Perpétrés par les sbires des cimes

Les Fleurs Malades

Le cœur est maussade
Et les fleurs malades.
Les harengs comme des enfants
Nagent lentement dans l'étang.

A Slew Of Violence

It exists, without a doubt, a slew of violence in our society.
The cops, who are supposed to enforce the laws,
Are committing countless abuses and atrocities. What a pity!
It is apparent that we are embedded in deep flaws,

Death Brings Sadness And Sorrow

Death brings sadness and sorrow;
A shaky and an unpredictable tomorrow.
It is a fact of life that we were born to die,
But death still brings surprises and shocks like a lie

The Vespers Of Jérémie, Grand 'Anse, Haiti

I was a toddler,
When these morons
Invaded our cities and towns,
To spread death, fear and terror,

We Have At Least One Story To Share

At least, we all have one story to tell.
We, without a doubt, can share one tale.
My father was an unpublished poet.
Poetry was his love, his friendly pet.

Happy Birthday To My Heroes

Happy birthday to the great Men and Women,
Who are now residing in a better place.
Happy birthday to the Heroes, without a face,
Who have carved and shaped my brain.

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