Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Nunca É Fácil Dizer Adeus

As memórias desaparecerão
Mas as manchas permanecerão.
Além do que você diz
Serei seu homem para sempre.

Non È Mai Facile Dire Addio

I ricordi scompaiono
Ma i suoi compiti si trascinano all'infinito.
Al di là di quello che dici
Sarò sempre un tuo buon amico.

On Naît, On Grandit, Puis On Meurt

On naît
On mange
Sur les franges, comme un ange
On boit du thé, du vin, du café, du lait

We're Born We Grow Up, Then We Die

We're born
We eat
On the fringes, like an angel
We drink tea, wine, coffee, milk

Wir Sind Geboren, Wir Werden Erwachsen, Dann Sterben

Wir Sind geboren
Wir essen
Am Rande wie ein Engel
Wir trinken Tee, Wein, Kaffee, Milch

The World Wants A Concession

Move, move on, my friend
Raise your right or left hand
To move on, to concede
Wasting your time will lead

Sunday Before The Most Consequential Election

Today is Sunday before the most significant election
In our era.Voting your conscience is a super weapon
Against death, injustice, division, and incompetence
Against ignorance, complacency, hate, and intolerance

Nice To Try And Fail

It's nice to try and fail, try and fail
We all need to learn from our mistakes
However, when a bunch of tyros try and fail
Too many times, for over 25 years. It's time to sail

One Day Before The Last Day To Vote

Vwa pèp la, vwa Bondye! Vox populi, vox Dei!
The voice of the people, the voice of God!
The opinions or beliefs of the majority!
On my opinion, this is only a theory

Election Night Goosebumps

My mind is blank
I'm being true and frank
That's right

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