Hebert Logerie Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Les Muses S'amusent

Les Muses
Tôt avec moi, ce dimanche matin
Comme si j'étais un crétin.

Las Musas Se Divierten

Las musas se divierten
Temprano conmigo
Este domingo por la mañana
Como si fuera un idiota.

As Musas Se Divertem

As Musas
Se divertem
Bem cedo comigo, esta manhã de domingo
Como se eu fosse um idiota.

Le Muse Si Divertono

Le Muse
Si divertono
Presto con me, questa domenica mattina
Come se fossi un idiota.

Mae'r Mwsiaid Yn Cael Hwyl

Mae'r Mwsiaid
Yn cael hwyl
Yn gynnar gyda mi, y bore Sul hwn
Fel roeddwn i'n jerk.

Vote Your Choice

Use your voice
Vote your choice
Vote for the right candidate
Vote for your fate

Hunter B. Is Not Running For President

Mr. President
Let's talk about the economy
You can say nothing about it
Let's talk about bigotry

Hunter B. No Se Postula Para Presidente

Señor Presidente
Hablemos de la economía
No puedes decir nada al respecto
Hablemos de intolerancia

What Is The Color Of Your Heart?

What is the color of your heart?
Let me know if yours has a different shade
And let me know if your part
Was cut out by a different blade.

A Defeated Tiger

A defeated tiger is deadly
A beat up bully remains braggadocious
There is a time of a prosperous
Season and another one of a gloomy

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