Helena MayStanley

Helena MayStanley Poems


Life is like a poem,
sometimes short and sweet,
sometimes long and dreary
and sometimes incomplete.

There once was a garden gnome,
sitting on the ground alone.
He was wacked on the head,
and then pronounced dead,


Milo is sleeping safe and sound,
Resting upon the soft fluffy ground.
Her snores compose a rhythmical song,
All through the night they carry on.

There once was a dog named buddy,
he was ridiculous funny.
He sniffed at a tree,
and went for a pee,


The candle flickers in the night,
showering the space in it's light.
Brightening up the blackend sky,
singing it's sweet lallaby.

The Best Poem Of Helena MayStanley


Life is like a poem,
sometimes short and sweet,
sometimes long and dreary
and sometimes incomplete.

Life is like a rollarcoaster,
but you can only ride it once.
So sometimes you have to take a leap,
and give everthing a chance!

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