Herbert Nehrlich Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Dear Fag

Dear cigarette, are you my friend?
Your lovely smiles, are they for me?
The filter on your other end,
does it protect, is it the key

You Comin' Back?

You are the Mars bar in
the lion's cage.
The speck in the ionosphere,
and the bright bubble


Remember to forget to remember,
that day of tristesse in November.
Akin to the mood of the sun
this can never be truly undone.

Bad Choice

Well, huckin' fell, I could not hold your hand,
it was this thing I've had since I was born
no teacher would, nor could you understand
how, in my soul the shreds of decency are torn.

The Execution

Someone said that Johnny Howard
is a godforsaken coward.
When the hangman pulls the switch
and the man drops in the ditch

Teeth In Peace

'What happened to your teeth',
she said with eyes that were alert.
'One thousand love bites really,
did what love bites can inflict.'

Hal The Crow

Some twenty years ago there was a crow,
who'd fallen into our new compost bin.
He was near death by daybreak from the fumes
and danced quite drunkenly, when rescue came.


At first they thought
that on that day
the sun had simply,
just that once,

The Death Of A Humane Society

It was a morning like any other.
A cloud from the South, a sparrow
sitting on the windowsill, eating,
the Postman, ringing twice next door,

Tell Me, George

I know it is your birthday, George
and you have plans all day,
I only need your answer now
today, my friend, today.

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