ibraheem chaudhry

ibraheem chaudhry Poems

I love my family.
Without them I would be lost,
Without them I wouldn’t know what to do,
It’s because of them I experienced what you all have too,

The Best Poem Of ibraheem chaudhry

Family And Love

I love my family.
Without them I would be lost,
Without them I wouldn’t know what to do,
It’s because of them I experienced what you all have too,
Its love,
That warm fuzzy feeling in your heart,
That feeling that you never want to part,
But there comes one day when those special people are gone.

So make every day last,
Because you never know when they’ll become your past,
Make sure you haven’t got a regret,
Because it’s how much you give, not what you get,
Express your love, don’t be shy,
Give them tears of joy and don’t make them cry.

So give them so much love that they burst,
Because that day will always come,
The day that you feared the worst.

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