Imdauel Blah

Imdauel Blah Poems

An ear is all they need,
A touch is all they'll take
To turn the tide around.
O' that we were on solid ground

For all the lines I left behind,
I shut my heart till I was blind.
The pearl I search I always find,
But never get to call one mine.

My grandmother sent me to take bread.
Perhaps I went happily, perhaps I went grumpily.
I forget
But I remember what I saw.

The first time we were angry, we were hurt,
When we reconciled we both understood
El Shaddai has blessed us, this path is his;
Why question His grace - it is what it is.

Hear me, I have been deprived of my due.
Mercy! I have spent sleepless nights confused.
And although I have not been loved enough,
Still I remain; and my heart beats to love.

From the faintest tinge of light
To the darkest hour of night.
From the loneliest of solitudes
To the most deafening noises of human society.

Only time will tell, the nature of your heart,
If the fire will grow or if it'll depart;
Whether your love will stay or whether it'll grow cold,
If I'll have to face the night or if the day'll be restored.

The Best Poem Of Imdauel Blah

Alone, I Would Not Stand

An ear is all they need,
A touch is all they'll take
To turn the tide around.
O' that we were on solid ground
But then you slipped away from me
And ran into the sea so cold.
O' that my hands were not so weak,
That you were not so bold!

My heart of flesh, my wounds still fresh
As I gaze upon the distant waves,
Wondering how far to the shore they can
And if they'd come again.
Holding my love with these liberal hands
This much I understand -
My heart is flesh, my wounds still fresh,
Alone, I would not stand.

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